How much:
£22.50 per thousand words.
How long:
Usually within 4 – 24 hours.
Good Availability
An essential final step before submission of academic assignments or peer review publication.
Spelling, Grammar & Typography
All spelling errors shall be corrected based on your requested spelling convention (e.g. British, American). Typography issues (such as spacing, inconsistent fonts or line spacing) shall be identified and destroyed.
Sentence Construction
Your sentences shall be critically reviewed for weaknesses in lexis or syntax. Where necessary or advantageous, sentences shall be reconstructed to better convey your underlying thought.
Academic Vocabulary
Your use of vocabulary and lexis shall be critically reviewed. More academic and contextually appropriate synonyms shall be suggested where appropriate or necessary.
Subjective Editorial Suggestions
We will conscientiously consider the context of your document. While applying objective error corrections, subjective editorial suggestions shall be made for your consideration. These are designed to identify any major issues (i.e. structural weaknesses; factual inaccuracies).
Any document(s) submitted for Academic Proofreading & Editing shall be returned to you completed to an excellent standard.
The OAS Standards represent the objective measure by which we deem your document ready to be returned to you.
They are developed and reviewed in collaboration with our partners at the Office for Academic Integrity, and informed by academic research.
In the rare event of a dispute, the following OAS Standards shall be consulted.
Quality Control Theme |
Minimum Standard |
Spelling, Grammar & Typography |
Zero Errors |
Sentence Construction |
Evidence of Suggested Sentence Improvement |
Academic Vocabulary |
Evidence of Improved Vocabulary and Lexis |
Subjective Editorial Suggestions |
Evidence of Consistently Applied Subjective Editorial Suggestions |
Adherence to Client Instructions |
Evidence that Reasonable Client Instructions have been Followed |
Please note: the OAS Standards are specific to each Service Type. While your document may attain the OAS Standards for Academic Proofreading & Editing, your writing may still contain fundamental weaknesses which are beyond the scope of this service. For example, the structure of your paper may be flawed, there may be factual inaccuracies, or there may be inconsistencies in your logic.
The Office for Academic Support recognises these issues, and takes a holistic approach to student support. Where possible, we shall endeavour to highlight such weaknesses by leaving a comment, as a courtesy to you. However, to ensure the correct issue is being addressed, please ensure you order the correct OAS service.
To support student progression in a logical and progressive manner, the research-informed OAS Student Pathway™ can help you identify what phase of academic work you are currently in.
The Office for Academic Support leads the way when it comes to editorial standards. Our Academic Editors range from PhD and post-doc researchers to retired professors and published authors.
All OAS Academic Editors must regularly complete proprietary Quality Assurance Assessments.
This rigorous approach to quality ensures that the OAS Standards are always met, and that the quality of our editorial and tutorial work is constantly reinforced.
Despite these safeguards, the Office for Academic Support also implements a peer review system. At the discretion of the Quality Control (QC) team, the document you submit is liable to be checked and reviewed by a second, more senior academic.
This not only gives your document the benefit of a second review, but it also enables our more senior academics to audit and train other academics.
This peer review system forms an integral part of our Quality Control system, providing training opportunities throughout our network of academics, whilst concurrently providing clients with a double-blind review of their work, thereby enhancing quality.
Supporting Language
Research has consistently demonstrated that language competency is an essential mediator of student learning and academic progression. The Academic Proofreading & Editing service is designed to train and tutor clients in how to effectively utilise language to more thoroughly engage in the subject-matter content. Our clients learn new, context-specific language which can be deployed in future assignments and papers.
Sense-Checking Content
Having your assignment or manuscript sense-checked by an experienced academic is an invaluable opportunity for gaining a professional second opinion. This can not only save you precious marks in summative assessments, but also facilitates your learning process. The Academic Proofreading & Editing service ensures your work shall critically reviewed prior to your formal submission.
More Professional Expressions
Many of our clients know what they want to say, but are unsure how to properly articulate their thought. The Academic Proofreading & Editing service effectively tutors clients in a range of expressions which can precisely convey the underlying thought in an academic, professional and context-relevant manner.
Facilitating the Learning Process
The Academic Proofreading & Editing service is developed from extensive academic research, and is designed to encourage the learning process by showing clients more appropriate methods and approaches. Our pragmatic approach incorporates kinetic, observational and mirror-neuron principles to learning, with an emphasis on SLA and linguistic competencies.
You are viewing the Service Details page for Academic Proofreading & Editing. However, this is often the last stage before you submit your assignment (for summative assessment) or manuscript (for peer review/publication).
Ensuring your document is excellent in terms of spelling, grammar, lexis and syntax is important. However, it is only one part of the marking criteria. There are many factors which will influence the final grade an assignment will obtain: its structure, your use of academic sources, your research design (for primary research), and the logic of your argument – just to name a few.
The Office for Academic Support has conducted extensive research into the needs and progression of students and scholars. We have developed the OAS Student Pathway™ - a proprietary framework distinguishing the different stages in the ambitious student’s journey.
Each stage of the OAS Student Pathway™ focuses on the assignment requirements and learning goals of that specific phase. Clients who follow the OAS Student Pathway™ report a more effective learning journey, greater confidence in future academic assignments, an uplift in their final summative grades.
You can find out more about the OAS Student Pathway™ here.
The Office for Academic Support aims to help our clients move forward. That’s why we established out mission as Turning Students Into Scholars®.
We want to support clients who are ambitious to be published – whether to begin their career as an Early Career Researcher or to simply strengthen their CV. We provide opportunities for clients who have submitted theoretical or empirical papers to submit their manuscripts for peer review.
Please view the OAS Scholars Pathway™ here for more details.